Ladybug 1

Updated: September 2023
Acreage: 2,900
Partners: Tahoe National Forest
Funders: Truckee Meadows Water Authority, The Nature Conservancy, Bureau of Reclamation
Project Pages:
Ladybug 1 is just east of Stampede Reservoir and west of the community of Verdi, Nevada along the western slope of the Verdi Range. Overcrowded forests, historic Comstock-era logging and fire suppression combined with recent drought conditions have contributed to increased levels of tree mortality from various stressors, particularly insects and disease. The area is very actively used for recreation by motorized vehicles, mountain biking, hiking, etc. Forest treatments will reduce the extent of insect infestations and increase resistance to new infestations and potential wildfire starts.
Treatment began in 2022 and will continue through 2024, followed by prescribed fire.